Image courtesy of Jim Hajicek
Thanks To Roy Hammans
Our thanks go out to Roy Hammans at
Roy has what we believe to be the only complete collection of Creative Camera, Creative Camera Owner and Camera Owner magazines in private hands and he has kindly supplied us with images of various issues for the film. Roy has a number of Bill Jay related articles on his site that you may find of interest. Roy has also kindly mentioned our film on his site as you can see above.
In the Edit…
It has been sometime since we updated this site but we have not been resting! After a summer of archival research and interviewing we started on the edit for the film in late August. We have been in the edit ever since and remain deep into the creation of the film. It’s going well and we hope to reach the conclusion of the online edit by early 2018. At this point the original score will be created and added and we hope to be ready for first screenings by early Spring 2018. We will keep you update on our progress!
David Hurn

A big thanks to iconic Magnum photographer and great friend of Bill Jay, David Hurn for devoting a whole day to helping us with the filming of Do Not Bend: The Photographic Life of Bill Jay.
David welcomed us into his home and spoke to us about Bill’s life and work in great depth.